Week 33 - Burp Intruder Attacks
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For this week’s post I wanted to cover BurpSuite Intruder attack types:
Sniper -> Iterate through a single payload list, one parameter at a time. When the list runs out, move on to the next defined position and iterate through the payload list again.
Battering Ram -> Iterate through a single payload list one time and place the same value in all defined parameter positions.
Pitchfork -> Different payload list for each defined position. Iterate through all payload lists simultaneously, and place one payload into each defined position.
Cluster Bomb - > Different payload list for each defined position. Iterate through each payload list one at a time, hitting all possible payload list combinations. Using the photo below, you can see that the attack begins with payload set 2's first value in the ‘q’ parameter. It then proceeds to iterate through all of payload set 1 in ‘cat_id’. Once finished, it moves to the second value in payload set 2 and runs through payload set 1 again.
I know these attacks can be difficult to wrap your brain around if you’re not a word-person, so hopefully these concise descriptions help! Stay tuned for more hacking content!